January 5×5 Night at Start Garden
Voting Closes:
January 20, 2025 11:59 pm
Kids need art. Drawing can be done well online and it's inexpensive for people to follow. The demographics we're reaching (above) are growing, and they need quality programming that is accessible anywhere and for all income levels. Drawing, like any artistic endeavor takes time...we offer a weekly opportunity to practice, to be encouraged, to improve, and to share. Thinking visually and being able to express that well is a very important skill for this generation. Kids who stay in Draw Club for a year or more improve their ability to do this dramatically. We think that's important for kids. Our Michigan based students enjoy it, and now we want to offer the same opportunity throughout the states and beyond. We think the potential for this as a business is enormous as well. With the basic numbers we've outlined above, the yearly revenue would exceed $2million, and would allow us to employ five to seven people to maintain and grow the operation further.
What I'll do with $5,000
We will create marketing packets to reach out to home school partnerships, foster care programs, after school organizations and MOPS chapters to grow our enrollment throughout the fifty states ($3800). We will also advertise in Practical Homeschooling magazine and on their Facebook page to over 340,000 followers ($1200)