5×5 Night on the Road! At Muskegon Innovation Hub
Voting Closes:

March 17, 2025 11:59 pm

About this idea
1 in 4 people live with a mental illness. Good Vibes ColorTherapy Glasses are a comfortable, stylish and, affordable tool for people experiencing anxiety, depression, emotional imbalance, or migraine headaches. Good Vibes is Color Therapy based on the science that proves the colors you see affect your mood. Anyone who would like to stop sensitivity and overstimulation of the brain can wear Good Vibes Color Therapy Glasses. We have 4 colors, Yellow reduces Anxiety, Blue reduces Depression, Green helps with Migraine Headaches, and Pink for Emotional Balance. My product is made of 100 % recycled polycarbonate material, so they are strong and sturdy.
I can only hope Good Vibes Color Therapy Glasses will be as helpful as they were for me. I started Good Vibes Eyewear as a 20 year old, who went through lockdown in high school from the pandemic. Anxiety from one minute to the next, so much uncertainty, and the Depression from isolation, not being able to interact with my friends was rough. Then right after high school, at 17 years young, I made a decision to go to the United States Army to serve my country. My Grandpa is a Korean War Veteran and has a Purple Heart, so I felt the pressure of thinking I had big shoes to fill. Right after Army Boot Camp and AIT, I was honorably discharged. Life felt tough and I started feeling the pain of anxiety and depression. One day my mom gave me a pair of ugly, large unattractive ChromoTherapy glasses, they worked but were uncool. When I complained, she challenged me to ā€œcome up with something betterā€ and I did! After lots of study and research, I worked hard to find manufacturing for a sustainable, recycled product with the money that I used from my saved military pay. Last April I started Good Vibes Mood Boosting ColorTherapy Glasses that look trendy and anyone can wear anytime, to protect our mental healthā€¦ with no shade! We have been part of a pilot in 4 school districts, across 24 classrooms schools and found 79% of the students wear Good Vibes daily without any prompts from the teachers. The kids LOVE wearing and benefit from Good Vibes, now we can celebrate a 92% effectiveness rate. Teachers are wanting more colors in their classrooms. Last year 77% of students experienced anxiety or depression. 35% Anxiety and 27% Depression. Stress places a high demand on your brain or physical body. Anxiety is a reaction to stress and response to daily pressures or a threatening situation. Depression is common. We all feel sad sometimes, itā€™s normal, especially when bad things happen to or around us. Depression can affect just about everything in your life. We are giving everyone an opportunity to Check their vibe, and wear the vibe. Get the help they need because We know Anxiety and Depression is very real, so let's remove the stigma. Start Gardenā€¦Vibe with Us!
What I'll do with $5,000
Thank you for the opportunity to share Good Vibes Color Therapy Glasses with you. Your $5,000 would go a long way as an investment in us. We have plenty of inventory that we need to get off our shelf and we can only do that if people know who we are. $5,000 would help us increase our business through a robust marketing campaign to move product. *Host 4 Happy Hour events to market and share our glasses with the public. We will be requesting events at the hip, trendy upscale 40 Acres, Downtown Market, and another 2 locations for Happy Hour. $1,200 *Social Media (Tik-Tok Shop) and Digital Advertising of events and our product. $2,500 *$1,300 to Create a Ui UX design for a 'Check Your Vibe' Mobile App using Adobe XD or Figma. This app would complement our product and offer another way to stay in contact to sell more product / services later. Right now we will offer Meditation, Breathing, and calming relaxation techniques.
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