5×5 Night on the Road! At Muskegon Innovation Hub
Voting Closes:
March 17, 2025 11:59 pm
The impact of Home Fax will allow your day to day home owners to receive notifications and reminders to keep up and track of all maintenance items in a home such as roofs, furnaces, air conditioners and hot water heaters etc. This will allow home owners to input and insert photos and notes of any major updates, repairs or damages to their home, so when they go to sell their are no questions from the selling or buying party of what took place at the home. This tool is great for new built homes so as the home gets older the home owner is capable to keep track and even past down that for the next buyer keep the home fax going. This will also give realtors and loan officers aa free CRM to keep in track with their clients by receiving client birthday notifications, anniversary reminders, major damages or updates notifications so they can keep that relationship with each and every client.
What I'll do with $5,000
With the $5,000.00 Chandler Inspections plan on using the award earnings by investing into a web/mobile app. This app would have to be created by a licensed app developer to ensure the app can functions properly for all users. The app would take a form of coding and collecting different analytics in regards to properties. Chandler Inspections would have to pay some different hosting companies to ensure clients can properly insert as many photos as they want and help the clients simply manage their app overtime. I'm also monthly subscriptions will need a customer services rep to ensure there questions can be answered.