
Yak is one of the only decentralized autonomous organizations in the world to successfully acquire land. Yak is also one of the only blockchain projects to successfully combine a traditional business model with a blockchain based fundraising path. How it works is we...

The Market Made

The Market Made is dedicated to making your home and workspace a reflection of you and your style through customizable handmade decor, unique home goods, and experiences and products you can accessorize. Currently, I travel across Michigan attending art and craft...

Peach Cobbler and Rib Tips

This BBQ dish that I have created is a combination on a Fibonacci Scale of flavor profiles! A new food added into the American lexicon birthed right here in Grand Rapids Michigan!!


My Co-Founder Jackson Keefe and I have been deeply invested in connecting with startup communities across the state and understanding their unique challenges and needs. As we engaged with these vibrant communities, one thing became abundantly clear: there was a strong...
ReThink Nutrition Protein Bar

ReThink Nutrition Protein Bar

Our protein bar is shelf stable without any fillers/binders/sugar substitutes. It is high in fat, calories and protein while being less than 1/2 the sugar (by weight) of an average commercial bar. We have 6 whole foods ingredients making it one of the healthiest bars...
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