5×5 Night on the Road! At Muskegon Innovation Hub
Voting Closes:

March 17, 2025 11:59 pm

About this idea

Hug Techonolgy® is trademarked compression therapy which helps soothe and relax the muscles. This works great for babies which is why the swaddelini has had so much success. Over the years adults, teens and children have requested a larger size for help with anxiety, sensory integration disorder, self-injury disorder, terrets, and a host of other malities. Liz Hilton has been making custom larger versions of the swaddelini for anyone who has made such a request and she has collected the feedback to make the ultimate body sock. Liz is ready to launch this product, all she needs is a bigger machine to accomodate larger sizes. 

The prototypes Liz has made so far have recieved overwhelmingly positive feedback. However she has not been able to make them precisely the way she wants due to a lack of equipment. This product can help a variety of people so Liz has already taken steps to secure a wider machine.
What I'll do with $5,000
The $5000 will go directly to the acquisition of a larger 3D knitting machine so I can create the Body Sock in all sizes. Swaddelini has been giving out custom Body Socks upon requests to people with anxiety and sensory integration disorder (and other disorders) in exchange for feedback. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and over the past couple years, Liz has honed in on how to make the best body sock. The Hug Technology in the baby swaddelini has been discovered to have very positive effects for adults as well. Compression therapy is a safer, more cost effective, and envoronmentally friendly alternative to the wieghted blanket. The product is ready, the market is ready, we just need the equipment! The equipment is $62,000, shipping is $4,000, rigging is $2,000. I am working on getting a loan for the $62,000 from huntington so this money would go toward the freight.
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