February 5×5 Night
Voting Closes:
February 17, 2025 11:59 pm
The World is a Better Place with Better Movers...
This is the mantra and the core intention of the Bricks & Sticks mobility-strength program. If you visit my website, www.theunconventionalman.com, you can find detailed description of my movement philosophy. My mission to improve health is build providing/teaching concepts that make it easier being a "Better Mover" easier to achieve.
There are some uniques feature of being a human being. Humans are vertical creatures, therefore posture must be a key component of our training. Humans are gifted with thumbs and an achilles tendons; what special skills do these allow for and how/why should we train them. These are scientific questions, but the answer are truly pertinent to your daily life.
My objective is to bridge this gap by providing easy to understand and practice concepts and systems. That's what Bricks & Sticks and the Primary Shapes are, the science of movement and biology, in some easy things to do.
For example: Sitting on the floor is better for the body! The floor provides feedback to the spine for posture and core strength. The provides feedback to strengthen and lengthen everything for your hamstring to your low back. These are facts and I no longer have to share with a Bricks & Sticks user, these are facts they will experience and the practice the straddle primary shape.
People follow those in position of leadership
In a perfect world mobility, flexibility and self care would be part of daily life. I teach my clients to conscious focus on creating the world around them in a way the leads to a pain-free life. My focus on people in positions of leadership is done with the understanding that this improved perspective will space and permission for those around them to follow their example.
Pain-Free People make more pleasant decisions
What I'll do with $5,000
1. Create Content Library / Hire a Videographer
My first hire is to be a videographer to help create the video and marketing content to accompany and sell the product. I am creating a lifestyle product so my materials need to be produced in a way that appeals to the target market. Content will be filmed in seasons, like a Netflix series, to create a binge like effect for consumption.
The episodic style produced content will make for exciting marketing campaigns and a better customer experience. This will increase client usage and share-ability. Members will enjoy a high quality video, with informative captions, breakouts, and highlights; all with a fantastically engaging host.
2. Manufacture the First 100 Units