5×5 Night on the Road! At Muskegon Innovation Hub
Voting Closes:
March 17, 2025 11:59 pm
Our vending machines can be placed indoors or in outdoor locations such as universities, airports, stadiums, office buildings, movie theatres, hospitals, shopping malls, retail markets, convenience stores, transit stations and more. KK’s 24 hr Pizzeria will impact the lives of many single individuals and families by providing a quick, hot meal that is timely and convenient. We all can agree that pizza is one of the most social foods here in the US. Please help our dream become a reality in moving forward in purchasing our 1st automated pizza vending machine.
What I'll do with $5,000
We were able to raise $4000 by cutting grass, shovelling snow and family donations. The total cost needed to purchase our vending machine and launch our business plan into action is $12,000. If we were to win the 5x5 competition, those dollars would be used on the following:
1. Marketing
2. Website
3. Branding Consultant
4. Final payment on product
5. Business license
6. Permits & Application Fees
We have not obtained any partnerships from organizations or programs. However, a philanthropist has agreed to match our fundraising efforts up to $1,500. By winning this competition, that would satisfy our production activities and operational budget.