5×5 Night on the Road! At Muskegon Innovation Hub
Voting Closes:
March 17, 2025 11:59 pm
This benefits our users and the world in numerous ways: 1) Our users are starting a savings habit 2) they are reducing their consumption of single use containers 3) Plastic bank pays residents of coastal areas to remove plastics from waterways. $5,000 translates to about 450k bottles of plastic being removed from the waterways, direct payments to those people pulling the plastic and helping 200 people start their savings habit on our application. Its a small step, but in 3 weeks we think we can help our users save $3,600 and spread the word of a cool non-profit that is removing ocean plastics.
What I'll do with $5,000
The $5,000 will fund the drink tap challenge. All money received will go directly to charity as users complete the drink water savings challenge. We will use the entire grant award to make small awards to plastic bank. We'll track on the application how much plastic has been removed based on their challenge completion along with the overall amount of plastic removed from the collective user community. We believe that the combination of coming back to the app to record their skipped purchase/consumption, along with the comradely of the challenge on smartmov and the donation to plastic bank will all be great ways to begin a savings habit.