February 5×5 Night
Voting Closes:

February 17, 2025 11:59 pm

About this idea
The landscaping industry has not recognized the do-it yourself homeowner by providing the resources to create a beautiful, functional landscapes that they can install themselves. U-Plant Landscape Designs is solving this issue by providing the elements needed to complete this project easily and efficiently. We provide a free consultation with homeowners onsite to evaluate the space to be landscaped, we get their ideas and goals, and discuss how the space will be used. We then create digital landscape designs, a detailed plant list, and labeled images for plant placement. We provide education on landscape practices and plant care, and provide continued ongoing customer service. We discuss referrals for plant and materials purchase, in addition to referrals for hardscaping installation regarding projects such as patios, retaining walls, or fire-pits. Design pricing starts at $165 with additional costs for fire-pits, patios and retaining walls. The cost for designs typically ranges $365-$640.
Based on my research, we have created a niche in this industry, our competition is limited in West Michigan for the do-it yourself homeowner to complete a landscape project. Market analysis shows there is sufficient growth in DIY homeowners which will support this business long-term. Most landscape companies prefer to handle the entire project and do not cater to the DIY homeowner. The cost to hire a company to both design and install a landscape for a typical West Michigan suburban home is commonly $4,000 - $32,000. By purchasing the designs through U-Plant Landscape Designs, buying the plants and materials, and installing the landscape themselves, a homeowner might spend $800 - $6,400, a potential savings of $3,200 - $25,600. Our service also allows the homeowner to complete the project as time and budget allows.
What I'll do with $5,000
U-Plant Landscape Designs was founded in 2019. Our goal is to reach the point where we can fully fund our marketing program, capital needs, and be on solid footing going forward. We are very close to reaching sustainability and the $5,000 prize money will assure we get there! This will lead to expanding the business into other markets by allowing us to continue to assist the do-it yourself homeowners create beautiful landscapes that they can be proud of, while helping to beautify communities and make them an influential part of our environment.
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