5×5 Night on the Road! At Muskegon Innovation Hub
Voting Closes:
March 17, 2025 11:59 pm
There are over 80,000 burger restaurants in the USA. At each of these establishments, there is a worker manning a grill. Working a grill at a restaurant is dangerous, hot, and uncomfortable work. The Auto-Grill takes a very widespread unpleasant job, and automates it.
It creates a safer and more comfortable work environment, reducing the potential for injuries from burns or accidents. Additionally, automating this essential task frees up staff to focus on other aspects of food preparation, customer service, or kitchen operations, thus reducing labor costs. Less grueling and harsh work would also reduce turnover(a very prevalent problem in the restaurant industry).
The Auto-Grill provides consistancy and cleanliness. The chances of having an undercooked meat are eliminated. The chances of finding hair in food is greatly reduced. It can provide precision that is very hard for a human to replicate.
The Auto-Grill is energy efficient. Instead of running a large open flat top grill for 16 hours nonstop, it only uses as much energy as needed. It is friendly to the planet and dampens utility bills.
The Auto-Grill provides benefit to all stakeholders - the employees, the customers, the business owners, and the environment.
What I'll do with $5,000
If awarded the $5,000, the funds will go towards filing a utility patent and/or the construction of the Auto-Grills required by the first client.