October 5×5
October 26, 2021 5:00 pm
Start Garden 40 Pearl St NW Suite 200 Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Voting Closes: October 19, 2021 12:00 am
Next Competition: November 5×5

Our key supporters who make 5x5 Night possible

The Winner
October 5×5 winner
Noble Strong portable basketball shooting Rental
Noble Strong Training would like to purchase three portable basketball shooting machines as another way to build revenue for the company! Basketball shooting guns are machines that automatically pass the basketball back to the person who is shooting the basketball. With a portable shooting gun you can pack them for travel. We would be able to charge by the hour as well as take them to camps with us. Also we will be able to help hour local athletes become dynamic shooters!
The Finalists
October 5×5 finalists
Noble Strong portable basketball shooting Rental
Noble Strong Training would like to purchase three portable basketball shooting machines as another way to build revenue for the company! Basketball shooting guns are machines that automatically pass the basketball back to the person who is shooting the basketball. With a portable shooting gun you can pack them for travel. We would be able to charge by the hour as well as take them to camps with us. Also we will be able to help hour local athletes become dynamic shooters!
October 5×5 $5000
Learn MorePanchita’s Tamales by Navarro’s
Tamales made from 100% from scratch. So delicious and authentic, they deserve to be in your local freezer section.
October 5×5 $5000
Learn MoreThe Designed Insight App
The Designed Insight App was created with minority college students in mind but empowers all students with real time solutions and access to college resources at their fingertips.
October 5×5 $5000
Learn MoreDank Street Food Truck
We want to transform our Ghost Kitchen into a Food Truck in order to operate more days of the week & serve a wider variety of areas.
October 5×5 $5000
Learn MoreTowni
Platform allows service industry staff to share and monetize their local expertise with customers they encounter daily
October 5×5 $5000
Learn More