by | Nov 3, 2021 | Social Impact
Your Therapeutic Journey Apparel was created to further the mental health message. The tees and buttons have catchy and unique sayings on them to spark conversation. This brand was launched in Feb 2021. The designs, print and fulfillment are all done here in Grand...
by | Nov 1, 2021 | Social Impact
The use of simulations can be found in a vast number of scientific fields. The development and use of the simulations to aid a particular task requires many skills involved in STEM. It is often the case that teaching students about these various real-world systems in...
by | Oct 31, 2021 | Social Impact
We Make creating a future we can be proud of fun! It is our mission to make taking environmental action fun and exciting in 3 easy ways: 1. Empowering you 2. Promoting Local Evolvement 3. Awesome Eco Friendly Products
by | Oct 18, 2021 | Social Impact
* Start off providing virtual classes * Move to a brick & mortar building so that participants can get out of the house and come to the studio (following CDC guidelines) * Showcase their artwork to the community via connecting with community...
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